Tuesday, July 25, 2006

mad world

7/25/2006 05:12:00 PM
ok boys and girls, i have a $25 gift certificate for amazon.com and i'm trying to figger out what to buy with it. i think this could be cool, but i'm not completely sure about polly jean live. this has been on my list for awhile, but i'm not totally sure it's what i want. i love ms. dicamillo, but this has earned some bad reviews. still, i love buying books for my students. and i absolutely love fannie flagg, but $16 is a lot for a book you can get at the liberry. Maybe a few less expensive books for the classroom and one or two for myself? annie advice?

i hate the taste of tap water.
i want to go to the liberry before we leave.
in a few years, i may be an alpaca farmer.
in the words of my infamous friend, 'tina: i'm shoked!

More about the phenomenal author

I don't know how to get over someone as dangerous, tainted, and flawed as you. You're screwed up and brilliant, look like a million dollar man. So why is my heart broke?