Sunday, May 05, 2013

are we all we are?

5/05/2013 11:32:00 AM
i enjoy this alone time.  sunday morning.  i've accomplished so much this morning, i'm proud.  i made "ham" salad for snackage for the weekish.  i disked the garden and planted a row of sunflowers, two rows of golden queen corn, 8 pink girl tomato plants, 8 beef steak tomato plants, 8 california wonder green peppers, 4 cantalope, and a rowish of cucumbers.  now i'm chilling in da house before the peeps come home from church. 

i'm not desperate for me a man, but i feel like i'm getting to the point where i feel like i could be involved in a healthy relationship.  i want a man who ain't so far into the gay lifestyle that he knows nothing else.  in fact, gay's only a small part of who i am, and i want that for him, too.  i want a man who's more concerned with family and friends and leading a fulfilling life than playing the game o' gays. 

i'd love to find the right guy who'd move here with me.  who'd help me grow this place.  who'd want us to be as close to self-sustaining as possible.  i love growing the chickens and the garden.  i love me horses.  i want to can this summer and freeze some of the produce from the garden. 

i just want love.  someone who loves me for me and for no other reason.  someone i can curl up with at night.  someone who'll come up behind me and take me right there.  someone who wants to move ahead with me.  someone who's kind but has boundaries.  someone who's willing to stand up for what he believes in.  someone who believes in science and what can be proven.  someone who's making the most out of this life, because there's no proof that anything exists beyond this life. 

someone who supports the arts by adding to them.  someone whose goal is to leave the planet in better shape than he found it.  at the least, he's not going to leave a footprint.  his will be covered up.  i still wouldn't mind having kids, if i had the right partner to raise them with, but the whole kid thing isn't necessary.  i'm quite happy with the 40+ kids i help to raise every school year.  : ) 

that is all for now.