Saturday, March 16, 2013

this is what makes us girls

3/16/2013 12:04:00 PM
it's looking like it may be a nice day.  it's around 50 right now.  my cousin's supposed to be here in around an hour to look at some work i'd like to accomplish.  there's plenty to do outside.  plenty to do inside.  and i believe with my new medication (increase?) that's possible.  the weather also deserves some gratitude.  so, thank you, weather.  now to brush my teeth and clean up my phace a little. 

you don't want to get this way:  famous and dumb at an early age.

have a fantatic, all my loyal readers. 

but if you don't read this, then fuck you.

because you have to show me that i'm important.

i'm unable to deduce that myself. 

just some idea fragments for your consideration.

i love you.  jesus.

i love you, jesus. 


More about the phenomenal author

I don't know how to get over someone as dangerous, tainted, and flawed as you. You're screwed up and brilliant, look like a million dollar man. So why is my heart broke?