fuck you!
facebook pisses me off, and i don't feel free to be totally me there because there are so many people watching. what i don't love right now is all the opposition to the gay marriage movement that's going on. i mean, if you don't support gay marriage, don't get gay married! it really is that simple. are people so insecure about their own sexuality and relationship with their god that they need to push their "morality" onto everyone out there? fuck you, if you don't believe everyone on earth deserves the same rights as you! fuck you if you're a bigoted, two-faced, fucked-up twit who thinks there are people in this world who are undeserving of the same rights you have. fuck you, if you believe you have personal knowledge of what god wants you to do. fuck you, fuck you, fuck you! end of my story. fuck you. no. really. fuck you!!!
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