Monday, November 19, 2012

new day

11/19/2012 04:59:00 AM

i've often found i always get what i need (in lesson form).  last nite i met (seriously...just met) a man who revealed a character i've been trying to flesh out for years.  maybe now i can get my write on? 

for now, it's off to get ready for school.  an early day.  a lot to accomplish.  much of tomorrow's going to be eaten by food.  then off for the rest of the week.  hopefully the off-days don't fly by.

i'm preparing thanksgiving dinner for my fam.  i'm excited about that, but i miss my mama like crazy. 

trying not to let the holidays own me.

harvey's in the sky with diamonds, and he's makin' me crazy.
(here come another lie.)
all he wants to do is party with his pretty baby.

my fantasy is to develop a source of independent wealth.  i'm not digging having to pretend.  but here's to doing what need did.  ...and doing a damned fine job at it!

More about the phenomenal author

I don't know how to get over someone as dangerous, tainted, and flawed as you. You're screwed up and brilliant, look like a million dollar man. So why is my heart broke?