Sunday, July 02, 2006

old whore's diet

7/02/2006 04:02:00 PM
i'm not sure how i've suddenly become the center of all the turmoil. my purpose has always been just to help someone i care about make a positive choice to better his life. i stand by that: billy is a fucking leech who's out to get all he can get by dishonest means.

i have never controlled your brother's feelings and i never will. if he's ever been in love with me, that's his issue. the feeling has never been reciprocated. it pisses me off that billy's stirring up all this shit about me, just because he's a nasty, psychotic motherfucker who's not getting what he wants since your brother has decided not to take part in a life that doesn't have a decent soul at its helm.

my goal here is not to make you "like" me; i certainly don't have a whole lot of respect for you. my goal is to encourage you to take a look at this situation with a critical eye. your brother has certainly been misguided both in his relationship with billy as well as his relationship with myself. however, people make mistakes and he deserves forgiveness and he deserves support.

i didn't think billy was crafty enough to pull a sister in against her brother. i mean, come the fuck on, what does billy have to offer besides cheap motherfucking words!? can't you see how fucking psychotic he has become just because he doesn't have someone to take care of his basic needs? don't you think it's high-time he got a fucking job and took care of his own needs?

your partner tells you he's in love with someone else. why in THE HELL would you want to be with your partner anymore? billy's making a sad mistake yet again, that the control's outside of himself. he controls those around him, therefore he gets what he thinks he needs. it's really sad that you're not a bit more observant than what you're being, miss tracy dawn.

as for an affair between phil and myself, why? it may exist in billy's head, like so much other twisted shit, but that doesn't make it so. if phil and i wanted to be together, we could have done it before billy or nick came into the picture. seriously.... he wants to talk about cheating? i have many, many wives i could contact about relations between their husbands and billy. he wants to talk about cheating? what about billy cheating on phil just days after the two of them got together? i was there that nite at kevin's house and later when rick showed up at billy's. if billy can do it just days after they got together, i know it wasn't hard for him to continue doing it throughout their relationship. i bet he never told you any of that? the truth never has a way of showing up in his web of lies!

i'm sorry that billy's hurt. i'm sorry that phil's hurt. i'm sorry that you're hurt. i'm sorry that i'm hurt. i'm sorry that nick's hurt. but when it's a hurting game the trash is trying to play, the solution is just not to play the game. you're the one with the power to keep it in your life or get the fuck rid of it!!!

i don't expect you to respond to this. i just feel that you deserve to be informed before taking any further action. i'm not going to defend myself to you (or to anyone else) past what this post does or doesn't do. i'm not going to try to convince you anymore that your brother deserves a hell of a lot better than the scum of the earth, because he's the one who ultimately has to decide that for himself. i'm washing my hands of it all, and wishing the best for all parties involved. the sooner it's a distant memory and just a lesson learned, the better off life will be.

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I don't know how to get over someone as dangerous, tainted, and flawed as you. You're screwed up and brilliant, look like a million dollar man. So why is my heart broke?