Tuesday, February 28, 2006

when you gonna make up your mind?

2/28/2006 05:43:00 PM
when you gonna love you as much as i do?

today was so nice. some of my kids complained that it was HOT in our room and asked me to open windows! =) it's the last day of february. that means that march is tomorrow. march is green. february was red, to cover up the cold and snow. i've had st. patty's decorations up since valentine's day ended. i love spring. it's my favorite season.

except there's not a whole lot to do evenings now. i need hobbies! (notice that i said that *i* need hobbies, and not that the world needs to fecking entertain me!) i've seriously thought about taking up crocheting. i'd actually like to try it. it seems so cool. yeah, and.... there's always that novella lingering in the back of my mind. i could fucking work on it.

that's why i asked santa for this laptop for jesus' birthday.

and i could take molly for walks. but i want molly to get fat and lazy. soon. she's too fucking hyper and shitake.

you say that things change, my dear.

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